Immigration expenses are the costs a company pays when bringing foreign workers into a new country to work legally. This can include fees for visas, legal services, travel expenses, and other costs related to the immigration process.

Immigration Expense Category

  1. Click on the Settings icon and navigate to Expense in the main menu. Select Expenses Category.
  2. To add a new Immigration Expense Category, click the Add button.
  3. Enter the Name, check the Immigration checkbox, and click Save.
    Immigration Expense Category
  4. To edit the name of an immigration expense category, click the Edit icon under the Action field.
  5. After making your changes, click the Update button to save them.

Adding a New Immigration Expense

  1. Go to the Dashboard and click on Expense from the main menu.
  2. On the Expense page, click on the Immigration Expenses tab.
  3. Click the Add icon to add a new immigration expense.
    create immigration expense
  4. Choose the Employee Name and Expense Category. To add a new category, click Add Item in the dropdown.
  5. Enter the Amount and select the desired currency.
  6. Add the Date and a Description of the expense.
  7. Attach any relevant documents, such as receipts, in the Attachments section.
  8. Click Save to add the immigration expense.
    expense add form
  9. After saving, the immigration expense will be listed along with details such as Employee Name, Expense Category, Amount, Date, Status, Document, and Action under the Immigration Expenses tab.
  10. It will be listed with a status Open, indicating the amount is to be deducted from the employee.
  11. You can search for a particular immigration expense using the search box by entering the Employee name.
  12. Alternatively, you can filter immigration expenses using the advanced filter option by entering the Expense Category and Status. Click the Apply button.
    advance filter
  13. You can edit the expense by clicking the Edit icon as long as it remains in the Open status. To view details, click the View icon.
  14. Click on the employee’s name to navigate to the Immigration Expense Deduction page, where you can record the amount deducted from the employee.
    Expense deduction
  15. To move the expense to void state, click the More Options button on the top right and select Void.
    Void Expense
  16. To deduct the amount from the employee, partially or fully, click the New Deduction button and enter the amount deducted.
  17. In the Deductions dialog box, choose the Deduction Date, enter the amount paid by the employee (e.g., the full amount), and leave a note.
  18. The remaining balance will be displayed. Click Save to confirm.
    Create deduction
  19. If the full amount is paid, the status will be shown as Closed, and you will only be able to view the details.
    Close expense
  20. Under the Document field, you can download, delete, or view the attached documents.
    Document actions
  21. Use the View icon to see details of each expense in Void and Closed statuses, and edit or view immigration expenses in Open status under the Action field.