Attendance Reports allow you to analyze valuable attendance-related data.

To access Attendance reports, click on the Reports from the main menu and select the All Reports tab.


Under Standard Reports, in the Attendance section, you will find four types of attendance reports available:

  • Daily Attendance Report
  • Late In/Early Out Report
  • Monthly Attendance Report
  • Employee Attendance Report

Daily Attendance Report:

The Daily Attendance Report provides a detailed overview of your employees’ attendance for a specific date.

  1. Use the Filter to view the attendance report for a specific day by selecting the year and month.
  2. Choose to view All Employees or Filter based on Departments, Role, Employment Type, and Office Location. Click Apply to see the results.
  3. To remove applied filters and revert to the default view, click the Reset button.
  4. You can choose a specific day using the previous or next arrow icons to access the attendance report for selected employees.
  5. You can view a detailed attendance report, including Employee Name, First In, Last Out time, and Total Hours. If the employee clock-in or clock-out is missed, the total hours will not be available for that day.
  6. The Attendance Status is to see if the employee is Present, Absent, on a Week Off, or a Holiday. Also, see the Shift name and work Location.
  7. The Punch Records column shows punch-in and punch-out times along with the location address.
  8. Click the More Options icon to export reports in Excel, PDF, or CSV formats for further analysis.
  9. To organize reports into groups, use the Add to Group option. You can add this report to a group or multiple groups. Select the group by checking the box and remove a selected group by clicking the delete icon. Click the Save button to finalize your group selections.
  10. Use the group share icon to share the report with all employees or selected individuals.

Latein Earlyout Report:

The Latein Early Out Report shows insights into employees who have arrived late or left early.

  1. Use the Filter to select the reports you need. Once the desired filter is applied, select the specific day to view the report.
  2. The report shows Employee Name, First In and Last Out times, and Total Hours worked.
  3. The Check-In column shows early arrivals, with the time displayed under Early. If the employee is late for check-in, the time will be shown as a negative value under Late.
  4. Similarly, the Check-Out column indicates early departures with a negative value under Early, while late check-outs are shown under Late.
  5. The Net Hours column shows the total late or early times.
  6. The Shift column displays the name of the shift assigned to the employee.

Monthly Attendance Report:

The Monthly Attendance Report Provides a comprehensive overview of employees’ monthly attendance.

  1. Apply Filters to view detailed reports for selected employees. Select a month to view detailed monthly attendance.
  2. You can view the employee Name, number of Present, Absent, Leave, Late In, Early Out, and On Duty instances.
  3. To view terminated employees’ reports, check the Include Terminated Employees checkbox.

Employee Attendance Report:

The Employee Attendance Report provides detailed attendance information for a specific employee.

  1. By filtering the reports by employee name, year, and month, you can access comprehensive attendance details for the selected employee throughout the chosen month.
  2. The report will show all the dates within the chosen month, along with the assigned Shift Name for the selected employee, Shift Start and End Times, check-in and check-out timings (First In and Last Out), Total Hours worked, Break Hours, and Actual Hours (total hours minus break hours).
  3. Instances of Late In and Early Out, attendance Status, work location, and the time of the first punch-in and last punch-out are also displayed.