Employee Wellbeing

The Employee module is the central hub of the Workforce Management Software. It stores essential information like employee profiles, contact details, skills, and certificates. It provides a clear view of the workforce, helping improve operations and ensure compliance, all in an easy-to-use interface for managers and employees.

Creating Pulse Survey

  1. Click on the App icon and select Engagement.
    Engagement Module
  2. Click on the Manage Pulse tab to proceed with creating a new survey.
  3. Click the Add Pulse Survey button.
  4. On the Create New Pulse page, complete the following fields in the General section.
  5. Enter a name for your survey.
  6. Choose how often you want the survey to repeat: either Weekly or Monthly.
  7. If you choose Weekly, select a specific day of the week.
  8. If you choose Monthly, select a specific date.
  9. Choose a time for conducting the survey.
  10. Specify the time frame for the survey to be completed or to expire.
  11. Add any necessary details or instructions regarding the survey.
    Pulse survey add form
  12. In the Anonymous and Broadcast Type section, check the Anonymous checkbox if you want to ensure that employees’ names will not be visible during the survey result analysis. This will guarantee 100% anonymity for participants.
  13. The Announcement checkbox will be checked by default, and once the survey is published, it will be visible through Announcement.
  14. If you want to notify employees and allow them to participate via email, check the Email checkbox. This will send notifications to employees when it is time to participate in the survey.
  15. You can create your own survey questions or select from an existing questionnaire.
  16. To add custom questions, click the Add Questions button.
  17. For choosing a Question Type you have two options: Rating Scale or Star.
  18. If you are selecting the Rating Scale, enter your question and select a Rating Scale Type. This will follow a 5-point rating scale.
  19. If you choose Agreement, the rating options will be: Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree.
  20. If you choose Satisfaction, the rating options will be: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very satisfied.
  21. If you choose Frequency, the rating options will be: Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Always.
    Rating scale questions
  22. On the other hand, if you are selecting Star as the Question Type, then employees rate the question on a 5-star scale.
    Star rating questions
  23. To disable the comment box for this question, check the Disable Comments checkbox.
  24. To make the question mandatory, check the Mark as Mandatory checkbox.
  25. Click the Save button to save your question.
  26. You can also create a survey by adding existing questions.
  27. Click the Down Arrow next to the Add Questions and select Select from existing Questions.
  28. A set of predefined questions will appear. Each category will be identified by a different color, and the questions within each category will have different response types.
  29. Check the box next to the desired questions.
  30. Once you finish selecting the questions, click the Add button to include them in the survey.
    Question Template
  31. Now on the left side of each question, you can change its order by dragging the question.
  32. On the right side of each question, click the More Options icon to access additional settings.
    • Disable Comments: Click this option to disable comments for the question.
    • Mark as required: Select this option to mark the question as mandatory.
    • Remove: Click this option to delete the question.
    • Enable Comments: Click this option to allow comments for the question.
    • Mark as not required: Select this option to make the question optional.
  33. You can apply the survey to employees using the filter.
    • All Employees: This option applies the survey to everyone. By default, this option will be selected.
    • Only Some Employees: If you want to target specific employees, select this option.
  34. You can now select employees based on Role, Department, Office Location, and Employment Type.
  35. After making your selections, click Publish to send the survey. Once the scheduled date arrives, it will appear in the employees’ My Pulse tab, and they can provide their responses.
  36. you can click Save to save the survey as a draft.
    Question menu option

Managing Saved Surveys

  1. Once saved as a draft, the survey will appear under the Manage Pulse tab with a status of Draft.
  2. The details like Survey Name, Date/Day, Time, Frequency, and Anonymity status will be displayed.
  3. On clicking the More Options icon, you will have options to:
    • Move to Active: Publish the survey by moving it to the active state.
    • View: Review the survey details.
    • Edit: Make changes to the survey before publishing.
    • Delete: Remove the survey.
    Manage surveys
  4. After moving the survey to Active status, you can move it to Inactive status or view the details.

Employee Pulse Survey

  1. The published survey will appear under the My Pulse tab for employees, with a status of Ongoing, along with the Survey Name and Duration.
  2. Employees can start taking the survey by clicking on it.
  3. The survey will display the Survey Name at the top, followed by the questions with their corresponding Question Types on a 5-point scale.
  4. If the Comment Box is enabled, the questions will appear below.
  5. If Anonymity is enabled, it will be indicated at the bottom of the survey.
    Employee survey dialog
  6. Employees can navigate through the questions by using the following buttons:
    • Next: Move to the next question.
    • Previous: Return to the previous question.
  7. After completing all the questions, employees can click the Submit button to finish the survey.
  8. Once the survey is completed, its status will change from Ongoing to Completed under the My Pulse tab.
    My pulse tab
  9. If an employee has not completed the survey within the designated time frame, the survey will no longer be accessible. Instead, a note will appear stating that the time has expired.
  10. The employee will not be able to view or answer the survey if they are not eligible.
  11. If an employee attempts to open a completed survey:
    • If Anonymity is enabled for the survey, the survey data will not be visible.
    • If Anonymity is not enabled, the survey data can be viewed.
    View anonymous survey

Pulse Analytics

  1. Navigate to the Pulse Analytics tab to view the summary of all completed pulse surveys.
  2. Select a specific survey name from the drop-down menu.
  3. From the next drop-down, choose the date that corresponds to when the survey was triggered.
    Pulse analytics
  4. Click the Apply button to view the full analytics for that particular survey, or click Reset to clear the filters.
  5. The Pulse Survey Summary chart displays the response count on a 5-point rating scale.
  6. Ratings from 1 to 3 are marked in red, indicating low scores.
  7. A rating of 4 is marked in yellow, representing an average score. A rating of 5 is marked in green, indicating a high score.
  8. On the right-hand side, you will see:
    • Overall Rating: The total average score of all responses.
    • Total Response (%): The percentage of total responses received.
    • Total Responses: The number of employees who participated in the survey.
    • Total Employees: The total number of employees the survey was assigned to.
  9. The survey questions will be listed in order, along with the average score given by participants for each question.
  10. A summary of responses to the 5-point rating scale will show how many employees chose each option and the percentage of the total responses for each rating.
  11. The total number of comments will also be displayed.
    Pulse analytics for each question
  12. You can click on this to view detailed comments, along with the participant’s name and the rating they provided for each question.
  13. If Anonymity is enabled, the participant’s name will not be shown and will be labeled as Anonymous User.